Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Note Synonym

Exercise 1.Verbs (kata kerja)

Synionyms(Exercise 1. Verbs)

Obliterate : Destroyed (Menghapus/Melenyapkan)
Severed : Cut (Memotong/Menghentikan)
Conceive : Create (Menciptakan Sesuatu)
Tolerate : Allow (Mentoleransikan)
Ingest : Consume (Mencernakan) 
Pacify : Calm ( down ) (Menenangkan) 
Calibrate : Adjust (Menyesuaikan) 
Magnify : Enlarge (Memperbesar) 
Incentivize : Support (Mendorong) 
Speeculate : Theorize (Berteori) 
Illustrate : Examplify (Menggambarkan) 
Elucidate : Clarify (Pembentahan) 
Impede : Interfere (Menghalangi) 
Advocate : Motivate (Menganjurkan)

 Example :
 My father cut many grasses behind his house.
 They want to create a synthetic life form.

Exercise 2. Adverbs ( Kata keterangan)

Synonyms(Exercise 2. adverbs)

Methodically : Systematically (Sesuai Metode) 
Begrudgingly : Resentfully (Dengan Menyesal) 
Amicably : Quietly (Secara Damai) 
Fiercely : Severely (Dengan Ganas) 
Unintelligibly : Unclearly (Tidak Bisa Dipahami) 
Sporadically : Occasionally (Dengan Sporadis/Sesekali) 
Unequivocally : Indisputably (Dengan Tegas) 
Zealously : Eagerly (Dengan Rajin) 
Laboriously : Painfully (Dengan Kerja Keras/Dengan Susah Payah) 
Earnestly : Decisively (Dengan Jelas) 
Indisputably : Indisputably (Tidak Dapat Disangka)
Definitively : Absolutely (Dengan Pasti)Faintly : Weakly (Dengan Lemah) 
Discreetly : Privately (Dengan Hati-Hati)

Example :
  He studies English eagerly.
  She must be severely punished

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Task week 5 Oct 9-22 smartphone Apps that you love

Smartphone apps that you love
  Smartphone application is an application that i love fuel joox and bbm because i really like this app and can not be separated in may smartphone .
  My first pick joox because so this app is great to listen to music live once type the name of singer and song title alone can practical to have a simple and unique you want to download the song and watch vidio can also be accompanied listen lyric.
   The next is the application of fuel i really like this app with this app i can chat, vidio call, with friend with simple and practical than the others without long loading with else .
   I really like this app two ..

Task Week 4 sep 2-oct 8 2016

What movie best describe your life
" Films depicting my life is movie called the pursuit of happyness film because this very meaning film and valuable inspired in my life.
  Film is not a drama-filled strory but rather a film sad struggle of a father who loved and had to ralse her child is still small in a state of no money no home and no job.
The movie is great for me many moral message contained in the film. Chris gander is the first exhibition as a father who is diligent, smart, have spirit work and big dreams for a family with sales and sales back ground but he did not give up in its efforts.
   A short story of presence of a child and the cost of living continues to run to make the chris startea the thouble in the financial, while the wife had to word 14 hours a day in place lauary to helf family life, but for the sake of the dream of a new and spirit strong chria willing to pass through the educational process of selection of heavy prospective stockbroker and of course many difficulties, experiencead between studying strockbroker and take care of their children offten do not it in order to save money staying slightly.
  When i watched this movie and so there is a sense of meaning parents in a happy family including his wife and children my habbits were often complain and give up easily in the face of trials an difficulties of this life. Get nothing after seeing what chris faced daily in the film. After over 6 months of struggle and all the difficulties that must be faced chris finally selected to be a stockbroker through the industrys career .
   Chris gardner eventually became succes fal later founded his own brokerage firm and became a multi-billonaire philant hropist "life lessom of this film is very much one of them to seek success do not make excuses or other people but take personal respon sibility for overcoming the existing difficulties ".

Task Week sep 25-oct 1 2016

Two thing that you have to bring every where you go ?
  Wallets and handphone will not be redeased because with two goods are going wherever I'ii definitely take it because it's very important staff for me.